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    2021-03-28 20:00:00

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    2021-03-28 20:00:00

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The Continuing Education and Development Center at the University of Basra will hold an online scientific symposium on post-graduate studies in Iraq between reality and expectations (implications and solutions) The presenters will be: Dr. Saad Ali Zayer, University of Baghdad Dr. Dargham Sami Abdul-Amir, University of Qadisiyah Dr. Rifaat Abdullah Jassim, University of Basra - Dr. Faisal Abdul Munshid, University of Basra - Dr. Amer Abdul Nabi Al-Abadi, University of Basra The symposium will be monitored by Dr. Nidaa Muhammad Baqir Al-Yasiri, the Director of the Continuing Education and Development Center at the University of Basra The online scientific symposium will be held on the FCC platform and the symbol:(contin) at 8:00 p.m. in the on Thursday, March 25,2021 We wish you useful and enjoyable times accompanied by our choices