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    2021-12-06 00:03:00

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    2021-12-06 00:03:00

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University Of Basrah announces the establishment of a professional course for mobile blended learning and educational content industry

Avicenna E-Learning Center at the University of Basra announces the establishment of a professional training course for teaching staff on blended mobile learning and the manufacture of educational content, with ten virtual workshops for the period from 6 to 27 October of this year.

It is worth mentioning that the workshops focus on modern scientific topics on blended learning techniques, educational content industry and electronic systems, and delivered by an experienced professor from the University of Basra, with the participation of the coordinator of the Ministerial Team for E-Learning, Dr. Amer Al-Amir.

The workshops will be held via the platform (ZOOM) at nine in the evening on the following link:


Meeting ID: 414 619 0816